Rewiew List
Here are some of the most representative reviews about Lineri:
Luigi Lineri between adventure
and finding out, identification and discovery? by Alessandro Mozzambani
Stone civilization oh the shingle of the river Adige in Zevio?
introduction by Renzo Piglialepre
Young veronese sculpture
A memorial stone
a work of art by Lineri in San Giovanni Lupatoto (Verona)
He guesses in every stone ancient civilizations
by Michelangelo Beifiori and Roberto Bertoldi
A comment by Teresa Maranzano
researcher at the Art Brut Museum of Losanna
An interview by Elisabetta Pescucci
River stones and their past
Luigi Lineri?s collection? L?Arte Naive ? Age Graphic publishing ? Reggio Emilia June 1998
The schoolkids
Unexpectedly ancestors
in ?The scratch? topical and culture monthly magazine of the Scaliger territory
Luigi Lineri, sculptor and entomologist
by Alessandro Mozzambano in ArenaSette
A journey in the river-bed looking for memories
by Giuseppe Faccincani